Emergency Hardship Fund

Hardship fund for regular students of Angewandte, who have got into an emergency situation.

Due to the current situation, we have decided to establish this hardship fund in order to offer all regular students of Angewandte a further possibility of support.
The maximum funding amount is 400€.

A decision on the approval of the application can only be taken if it is submitted completely accroding to the guidelines.
Please attach all documents in PDF format only and properly labeled to haertefonds {at} hufak.net
A complete application consists of:

  • completed application form
  • continuous bank account statements of the last 3 months for all accounts of the applicant, including the current account balance (a turnover list “Umsatzliste” does not count as a bank statement)
  • Proof of the ECTS achieved ( attention: the Curriculum Analysis “Studienplananalyse” is NOT a confirmation of academic achievements.)
  • current confirmation of enrolment (You can get the “Studienblatt” here: http://service.uni-ak.ac.at/4DCGI/service under PDF-Archiv > Fortsetzung)
  • Registration form, “Meldezettel”
  • Rental agreement – birth certificates of children
  • if necessary, further documents

Guidelines: PDF
Application form: PDF

Applications can only be submitted via e-mail to haertefonds {at} hufak.net

Also have a look at the Social Fund of the ÖH Bundesvertretung: https://www.oeh.ac.at/sozialfonds