When? December 13, 2023, 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM 

Where? Atrium of the University of Applied Arts Vienna (VZA7) Vordere Zollamtstraße 7, 1030 Vienna

Apply until 03.12. to share your work!

The Winter Market organized by the HUFAK will take place at the university again this year with free Punch from 16-21h and a special winter guest concert from 20-21h!

Participants will be able to exhibit and sell their work. There will be a wide variety of art and design works such as prints, photography, painting, illustration, pottery, fashion products, cakes, punsch and much more!


Would you like to take part? Would you like to apply as a group or collective? One application is enough.

Please send your proposals to with the following information:

  • Name* / Email* / Contact number / Website 
  • Are you applying as a group / collective?
  • Are you a student at the University of Applied Arts?
  • If so, in which department?
  • What are you offering?* (3-sentence brief description, Add photos if available.)

The selected participants will be notified after the deadline.